Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Caesarean babies at risk of diabetes

The usual arrogance about assigning direction of causation below. That babies delivered by Caesarian are on average more sickly to start with is completely ignored. Fetal distress is a common reason for Caesarians

Babies delivered by Caesarean section have a significantly higher risk of developing diabetes in childhood than those born naturally, a study suggests. A review of 20 studies on children with type 1 diabetes found those delivered by Caesarean section had a 20 per cent increased risk of developing the condition. The rise in the number of children suffering from type 1 diabetes may be explained by the high rates of the procedure, the researchers say.

The finding adds to the body of evidence about the risks of Caesareans, which now account for nearly 25 per cent of deliveries in Britain. The rate recommended by the World Health Organisation is 10 to 15 per cent.

Jane Jimenez, 33, of Woodford Green, northeast London, had her daughter Lauren, now 5, by Caesarean section after struggling to give birth naturally. As a community paediatric nurse, Mrs Jimenez was quick to spot the first signs of type 1 diabetes. She was cautious about concluding that her daughter's condition was down to her delivery alone, "but perhaps that increased the chances", she said.

There is a strong genetic component to developing diabetes - as well as other known risk factors - but the link between delivery method and diabetes persisted even when these factors were taken into account. It is believed that exposure to bacteria during natural childbirth is key to the development of a child's immune system and that without such exposure a baby may be predisposed to illness - such as diabetes.


Living alone bad for you?

Hard to know what to make of the article below. In the absence of references to any specific research it is no more than an expression of opinion. That poor health may CAUSE isolation rather than isolation causing poor health seems not to be considered. Routine stupidity

RECENT research has discovered that living in isolation may be more destructive to your physical well-being than smoking cigarettes. Statistics proving that people who co-habit with others live longer than those who are alone have been around for several decades.

But the latest research takes this a step further. This doesn't mean that if you are happily enjoying the single life you're going to die prematurely, but it does make you think about life and love a little differently. Those who have survived conflict-laden relationships may well find it easier to take care of just themselves, and perhaps their children or pets. Dealing with another person's vicissitudes can be exhausting, especially if that individual gives you a hard time in the process.

However, if you enjoy sharing your life and bed with someone but also require your space, you need to get creative and discover some of the many ways to maintain your individuality and sanity while having a close relationship with another adult. Many couples not living together take nights off, where they have established safe boundaries that allow them to have their own time without making their partner feel insecure. Usually a phone call before the night off, followed by a catch-up conversation ("Did you sleep well?"), is enough to maintain a good connection.

If the person you love withdraws on a regular basis, and you have to go hunting for him or her, it could be time for a deep conversation. Those who sequester themselves away from even their closest loved ones may also be dealing with depression and/or anxiety. Somehow there's an illusion that being alone makes it all better.

Not everyone who chooses to be alone has a mood disorder, but if you are feeling a little blue you should get yourself checked out by a professional. Being disconnected from the rest of the human race may make you feel safe or empowered, but it's only temporary. We are social beings, and life is much more meaningful when you have someone to share it with


Birth control pill a miracle cure-all?

Drospirenone is a synthetic progestin with an action similar to the natural progesterone so the article below is a bit overblown. It does however seem to be an incremental improvement over other formulations

A new type of contraceptive pill that treats premenstrual tension as well as acne and weight gain will be available in Australia next week. The low-dose pill called YAZ will also reduce the length of a woman's monthly period. The hormone drospirenone used in the pill and a new regimen which has women using sugar pills for just four instead of seven days in their monthly cycle is the secret.

It is the first and only pill to be approved to treat a severe form of premenstrual tension called premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). Symptoms include pain, mood swings, depression and anxiety and decreased interest in daily activities.

Sydney gynaecologist Gabrielle Casper said the pill will also help women who have less severe premenstrual stress. "These are women who feel a little sad or anxious and the next day they get their period," Dr Casper said. She said the new pill is low dose, using just 20 micrograms of the oestrogen hormone compared to 30, 35 or 50 in many others on the market.

The hormone in it has a mild diuretic effect, preventing bloating and fluid retention. It also makes it less likely the testosterone in a woman's system will affect their skin, Dr Casper said.

Sexual Health and Family Planning Australia spokeswoman Dr Christine Read said the regimen, where women take 24 active pills instead of the usual 21, is what helps with premenstrual tension.


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