Monitoring food and health news -- with particular attention to fads, fallacies and the "obesity" war
Summary of findings to date: Everything you can possibly eat or drink is both bad and good for you
"Let me have men about me that are fat... Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look ... such men are dangerous." -- Shakespeare
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
How doctors are using Coca-Cola to treat painful stomach blockages
I can see the headline now: "Coke is good for you!" Much teeth-grinding among the food freaks
Doctors are using Coca-Cola to treat a painful stomach condition, sparing patients from surgery. They have discovered that the fizzy drink is highly effective at dealing with a condition known as a gastric phytobezoar.
This is a stomach blockage which, unless it is successfully removed or destroyed, can subsequently lead to a bowel obstruction.
It is often caused by certain fruits which do not digest properly - for instance, in Asia many cases are a result of eating persimmons which are particularly prone to form blockages.
A variety of treatments are available to treat it, from lasers and non-surgical endoscopies to the last resort of full surgery.
Now, new research has shown that Coca-Cola has a success rate of more than 90 per cent in treating the condition.
This is because it has chemical ingredients that do a similar job to gastric acid - in helping to digest fibre - while the bubbles help speed up the process.
Even the Diet and Coke Zero options work, because they have the same basic ingredients as the 'full fat' version, said the report published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
The researchers from the University of Athens went through published academic papers that detailed 46 patients with the ailment who were treated with Coke in hospitals worldwide over the past 10 years.
Of those given Coca-Cola, exactly half saw the drink destroy the blockage completely and a further 19 only needed non-invasive treatments as a result of Coke's help. Only four needed full surgery, giving Coca-Cola a success rating of 91.3 per cent.
The study reported: 'Coca-Cola administration is a cheap, easy-to-perform and safe procedure that can be accomplished at any endoscopy unit.'
Coca-Cola has an acidity rating of 2.6 on the pH scale because it contains both carbonic and phosphoric acid.
The researchers added: 'It resembles gastric acid, which is thought to be important for fibre digestion. 'In addition the bubbles enhance the dissolving mechanism.'
If the Coke does not completely destroy whatever is causing the blockage then it is likely to make it smaller and soften the phytobezoar making it easy to remove without the need for full surgery, the report said.
Beta blockers 'could cut Alzheimer's risk': Drugs found to protect against changes in the brain
Unpublished article about a small (52) and very unrepresentative sample.
Drugs prescribed since the 1960s to lower blood pressure may cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, researchers claim.
A study suggests beta blockers protect against changes in the brain which can be signs of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.
Having high blood pressure – hypertension – in middle age puts patients more at risk of developing these conditions, as well as heart and circulatory disorders.
But the latest research suggests drugs taken for high blood pressure can offer some protection.
The study examined the brains of 774 elderly Japanese-American men after death. They had all taken part in the Honolulu-Asia Aging Study.
Of the men, 610 had high blood pressure or were being treated for high blood pressure.
Among the 350 who had been treated, 15 per cent had received beta blockers alone, 18 per cent had been given beta blockers plus another high blood pressure medication and the rest had received other blood pressure drugs.
The study found that all types of high blood pressure treatments were clearly better at protecting the brain than no treatment, according to preliminary data presented yesterday at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting in San Diego.
But men who had been given beta blockers as their only blood pressure medication had fewer brain abnormalities compared with those who had not been treated for hypertension, or those who had received other high blood pressure drugs.
The brains of men who had received beta blockers along with other high blood pressure medication showed an intermediate reduction in brain abnormalities.
These included two distinct types of brain lesion – those indicating Alzheimer’s disease, and lesions called microinfarcts, usually attributed to tiny, unrecognised strokes.
And whether they had taken beta blockers alone or in combination with another blood pressure medication, those treated had significantly less shrinkage in their brains.
Study author Dr Lon White, of the Pacific Health Research and Education Institute in Honolulu, said: ‘These results are exciting, especially since beta blockers are a common treatment for high blood pressure.’
Dr Simon Ridley, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: ‘Hypertension is a known risk factor for Alzheimer’s and other causes of dementia, and keeping high blood pressure in check could be important for preventing these diseases.
‘This study suggests a link between the use of beta blockers and fewer signs of dementia, but as the results of this study have yet to be published in full, it’s not clear what caused this link.
‘It’s important to note that this study only looked at Japanese-American men, and these results may not be applicable to the wider population.
‘While we can’t conclude from this study that beta blockers can prevent dementia, a better understanding of the links between high blood pressure and dementia could be crucial for developing new treatments or approaches to prevention.’
Jessica Smith, research officer for the Alzheimer’s Society, said: ‘Understanding the relationships between different blood pressure drugs and Alzheimer’s is not only useful for risk reduction but also Alzheimer’s treatment development.
‘However, this is a small study and more research is needed on a larger scale to find out why beta blockers might have this effect.’
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