Monitoring food and health news -- with particular attention to fads, fallacies and the "obesity" war
Summary of findings to date: Everything you can possibly eat or drink is both bad and good for you
"Let me have men about me that are fat... Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look ... such men are dangerous." -- Shakespeare
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Middle-class parents should stop panicking about the internet and let their children explore, says leading psychologist
'Moral panic' about the internet among middle class parents is stunting children's development, a leading psychologist has warned.
Professor Tanya Byron believes that unless parents let their children explore and make mistakes - both in the real-world and online - they will never become 'digitally responsible'.
However, she added that managing these risks, and guiding children through them, is ultimately the responsibility of the adults in their lives, both at home and school.
Speaking at a teacher conference in Birmingham, Professor Byron expressed concerns about the ‘moral panic’ that surrounds young people and the web.
She said: ‘The moral panic is unhelpful. Awareness without life experience can sometimes be challenging – so it’s our responsibility to bridge that gap.’
‘We need to accept that kids are going to take risks online so that we can guide them, just as our parents did when we were allowed to ride our bikes.’
Two-thirds of parents in a recent Co-operative Childcare survey said their children spent significantly less time outside than the parents did.
Eight in ten said their own favourite activities as children involved being outdoors, but only half their children lead the same active life.
British adults said they loved playing ball games, skipping and other traditional outdoor activities. But their children prefer to get their kicks from a screen, by playing computer games, surfing the internet or watching TV.
Professor Byron continued that because of the internet, children are already ‘incredibly aware’, but many adults are so ‘illiterate when it comes to understanding technology’ that its creating an environment of fear.
She added there’s a ‘perverse irony’ - especially among the middle classes - where parents are not letting their children go out and play, or walk to school alone, but are giving them numerous gadgets, and access to the internet.
They then have access to a global community, and in some cases more dangers, risks and harmful images than they would on the streets, but parents aren’t talking to them about any of it in advance.
‘We need to empower them and focus on making them emotionally resilient digitally as well as being emotionally resilient offline
Government war on big food?
Will big food companies be the next target of extortion by government do-gooders? Despite the precedent of the Big Tobacco settlement, Politico writes that such a scenario is unlikely, given the lack of a “smoking gun” to prove deliberate manipulation of the food market, i.e., doctoring or withholding nutritional data for profits.
But don’t be too sure. The kookery percolating one day in college classrooms or left-wing think tanks becomes tomorrow’s norm. Leftists are bold, cunning and, above all, patient. Unlike (some) all-or-nothing conservatives, leftists will gladly advance their agendas incrementally.
Politico previously reported that a law firm in Chicago approached sixteen state attorneys general, proposing that they try to recover a portion of their growing obesity-related Medicaid expenses from — you guessed it — private food companies. Reports vary as to specific targets but consider that former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg targeted large soda cups, salty foods and trans-fats (Oreos, for instance — that’s you, Nabisco).
Bloomberg, of course, came to embody the very essence of the Nanny State, actually a very misleading description of government overreach. Nannies, traditionally, are kind, nurturing and care for small children. Big government, when shaking down private entities, more resembles a bully, hence, what I propose as its new description, the Bully State.
The motives of a war on Big Food are so patently obvious that just repeating them seems trite. Still, for anyone completely unaware, government, under the guise of such noble intentions as protecting your health, could well transfer billions of dollars from the private sector to public coffers. The settlement against Big Tobacco in 1990′s gave the federal and state governments almost $250 billion to spend on smoking prevention programs. According to some sources, more than 90% of that money went to programs unrelated to smoking prevention. And that doesn’t even account for the unknown amount of dollars lining the pockets of lawyers (never factor out the lawyers when dissecting the latest Bully State scheme). A war on just a few big food companies would certainly spike prices up dramatically.
Still, Politico is right in that such a blatant move is unlikely, given that food, unlike cigarettes, is a necessity. An all-out war will proceed as it already has, stealthily, with a tax on trans-fats here, a lawsuit there, a ban on Happy Meals in this municipality, a stigma against salty snacks in another. . . In short, incrementally.
Granted, even in a free society, our actions do impact others. Bad health choices by some can raise costs and premiums for our neighbors. Still, a rational society weighs the pros and cons and realizes that the benefits of a free, competitive system far outweigh the constraints imposed by the Bully State. People will invariably make poor food choices: an extra donut, a Big Mac instead of a salad, etc., but it is the very decadence of food that often brings the greatest joy. Certainly there are limits to breaking rules (both food-wise and otherwise) and that is where the weight of public opinion and advisement, as opposed to government force, can prompt wiser decision-making.
In short, when consumed moderately, junk food, far from the public pariah as it is portrayed, brings incalculable joy to the world. Chocolate and potato chips may not extend the years of our lives but just the anticipation of a quick bite can enhance the quality. It is not an extra inch to the average waistline that we need to fear, it is a bully state that strong-arms private businesses, and taxes, monitors and regulates our most pleasurable moments. If we are not vigilant, one day giddy decadence will morph into criminal activity. Call it not a war on Big Food but a war on pleasure.
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