Monday, April 21, 2014

Posting suspended

After repeating almost daily  for 8 years some version of the simple truth that correlation is not causation, I have had enough.   I expect to be posting no more here.

The extensive sidebar here should however continue to provide a convenient antidote to the pervasive silliness that is most medical research.


  1. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Very sorry to hear that.
    Your almost daily dose of - humorous - levelheadedness helped me to sharpen my skeptical skills.

    I will miss your thoughts a lot. Hope you will reconsider. ?

    jacques klok

  2. Rossini10:05 AM

    Thanks for the postings I have found them to be informative

  3. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Thanks for everything. Much appreciated.

  4. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Thank you for your dedication in explaining data dredging and other information about studies. It's helped to ease my mind about sensational headlines, and I have learned to be read more closely and be more skeptical about "scientific" articles in the media.

  5. Anonymous7:47 PM

    From your brief commentary alone, I learned a lot here over the years about the foibles of less clear cut sciences than my synthetic chemistry and nanofabrication background afforded since physical objects are rather concrete affairs. The intense concern in chemistry to not fool yourself I now understand is severely lacking in careerist applied science.


  6. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Well that's sad, always enjoyed my daily fix over the years.
    Junkfood Science went, what now?

  7. How can you do this? I live on your articles and opinions on all your unbelievable breadth of topics. Can you at least write some views on food and health 1x a week with an advertised day so we can all flock to the computers? I am sure there are thousands feeling the same way. In the market of what v iews one holds you have been No 1 for me.
    Ian Martin Tasmania

  8. I do occasionally put up medical articles on my Australian politics blog

  9. So sorry to hear that.
    Maybe you need a little rest and back in a while??

  10. Gonna miss it. I come here about once a month, scroll through and always find something interesting. Thanks.

  11. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Damn! I just discovered this site today, August 22/15 and it ended April 21, 2014!! I'm echoing the feelings of the commenters above. Come back! Come back! However...lots to read until then. Thank you.

  12. Anonymous8:33 PM

    There was a TV programme on the BBC Wales recently about eating the right food and basically it said what jonjayray on these blogs has been saying for years. So I thank you for all the information you give to us and it was so refreshing to watch a TV programme that backed up what you have been saying.

    Elwyn Jones Wales UK


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